Monday, September 10, 2012

A touch of inspiration

Sometimes it is hard to overcome hard things in our life. I am sure I am not the only one that feels that way. This week has been one of those ones where although I was struggling with things in my life, the Lord saw fit to bless me with an amazing session of Stake Conference. The words and thoughts brought my spirit up and helped me to see the light ahead and the hope that I can be a better person. Our visiting general authority spoke directly to me in both meetings. And through out the weekend I have been feeling and seeing the promptings of the spirit. He quoted a line from President Monson that says - don't let a prompting go by without heeding it (paraphrased.) I am not sure why I need to put this on this blog but I kept getting the impression that I needed to do it. So here I am.

Brother Hillyer quoted a part of Sister Beck's talk. It was about doing the essential things in life. It struck me that I spend too much time doing the nonessential things and then wonder why my life is falling apart. I made a sign to remind me and thought I would share it with you.

This comes from her 2007 talk to the sisters titled What Latter-day Saint Women Do Best: Stand Strong and Immovable. In his talk Brother Hillyer reminded us that we need to be putting our focus on Christ and doing all we can do be like him. It reminded me of our last Book of Mormon Book group. We had talked about how we don't know how to do things and still be a wife and a mother. I realized that as we talked about it that we needed to prioritize our life and do better at doing less. As I looked up this talk, I came across her talk Mother's who know. I reread it and found a quote that summed up what I have been thinking and also came as an answer to prayer.
Mothers who know do less. They permit less of what will not bear good fruit eternally. They allow less media in their homes, less distraction, less activity that draws their children away from their home. Mothers who know are willing to live on less and consume less of the world’s goods in order to spend more time with their children—more time eating together, more time working together, more time reading together, more time talking, laughing, singing, and exemplifying. These mothers choose carefully and do not try to choose it all. Their goal is to prepare a rising generation of children who will take the gospel of Jesus Christ into the entire world. Their goal is to prepare future fathers and mothers who will be builders of the Lord’s kingdom for the next 50 years. That is influence; that is power.
He reminded us that we need to eliminate the nonessential things and begin to do more of the essential things. As we act upon the promptings we receive, BLESSINGS WILL HAPPEN!

As I have been studying my scriptures the last couple of days and reading the Ensign I came across two valuable things.
1. Alma 21:23 " . . . and they were zealous for keeping the commandments of God." I really liked that word. Zealous - it made me think that I need to be zealous in keeping the commandments, in following Jesus Christ and in making my home a beautiful happy place.
2. Keeping the Faith in a World of Confusion by Bishop Gérald Caussé had some amazing advice that seemed along the theme of my thoughts lately.
To strengthen our testimonies and protect ourselves from error, we must constantly nourish and fortify our faith.

To do this we must :
  1. Seek the Truth Continually
  2. Accept Unanswered Questions
  3. Seek the Testimony of the Spirit
  4. Seek the Words of Prophets and Apostles
  5. Nourish Your Faith
This article is a good read and I recommend it for everyone.

I am always amazed as I see the hand of the Lord in my life. It always reminds me that he is aware of me and my challenges and that if I take time to repent, follow GOD and keep the commandments, then I will be able to live one day with him.

There is so much more that I could write but these are the things that I felt strongly needed to be put here on the blog. If you have questions don't hesitate to call or email me, or leave a comment.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

No brunch but still meeting!

Hey ladies,

since no one replied and things are still a little crazy, I decided to postpone the brunch and go with our regular meeting at the church. After the kiddos are back in school and things settle down for everyone we will try again! See you tomorrow at the church!


Thursday, August 2, 2012

Jacob 6-7

Hey ladies,

We decided in book club today that we would just finish up Jacob for next week (Jacob chapters 6 and 7.) Also, I was thinking about hosting it at my house but wasn't sure if I should wait until school starts again or if you think we would all fit alright. Let me know what you think and then we'll make the plans :)


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Jacob 5

Just a reminder that we are meeting tomorrow and reading Jacob 5, the first 30 verses.  We will discuss all of them since last week didn't really happen.  I won't be there until around 9:30 or so.  We are still having swim lessons.  I do have a key if you need me to open the door I will, but I have to be at swim lessons at 9. 

In my studying of Jacob 5, I was using my student manual from institute.  There is some pretty cool stuff in there that helps in learning about Jacob 5 and this allegory.  I found it online and will give you the link.  It is to the whole book but I am pretty sure you ladies are smart enough to get to the right page.  I may print a copy of it to have at the church for reference.  It has an explanation of the what each of the symbols means and also a description of the different visits to the vineyard.  I hope it helps in your study.  Sorry I didn't get it to you sooner.,%20Book%20of%20Mormon%20Student%20Manual~eng.pdf

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Jacob 4 in review

Todays discussion was pretty good for me.  Stephanie brought the latest Newsweek and on the cover was the story "Is the internet Making us Crazy?"  Here is the link to the online version.  It is pretty amazing and so true. 
But what we took from our discussion is that we need to find the ROCK (Christ) and follow him.  He is ultimately how we can be the best we can be.  He has suffered for us and the atonement is for not if we forget to open our hearts and let him heal us.  Our spirit will truly tell us of "Things as they really are."  If we just listen to it's still small voice.

With that said, I am getting off the computer.  I just came on to check my email and put up this blog post.  I am struggling with how much time I spend on here and hope that I can find a way through Christ to overcome my "addiction".  Thanks ladies for a great discussion.

We decided to split Jacob 5 into 4 sections.  We will be reading the first 15 verses for next week.  It talks about the first visit to the vineyard.  I am afraid that next week I won't be there until after 9:30 since we have swim lessons starting on Monday.  Hopefully we can quickly come over and get the last part of the discussion.  Anyway, talk to you later.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Jacob 4

As I was reading in preparation for Thursday in Jacob 4 I came across verse 13.  "Things as they really are" and I was reminded of the article with the same title by Elder Bednar.  Just thought I might share it since it was on my mind today.  Plus it might be nice to discuss the implication of what is said in his talk in reference to our use of the internet and other devices.  It is something I have been struggling with as of late, a never ending battle of me against this machine.  Anyway here is the article if you want to read it.

If you don't have time to read it then here is the link to the Mormon Message that highlights the talk.

See you all on Thursday and hope you are doing well.  I have missed our class the last couple of weeks and really need the spiritual uplift.

Love ya - Amy

Monday, June 11, 2012

#49 on the list

So I took the sticker off of Debbie's cards she gave us. (Ask Debbie for a card if you didn't get one.  It is  "50 Ways to find the joy of scripture study.")   And #49 said "Adopt a new attitude about the scriptures."  I thought - "that is interesting".  But the more I thought about it, the more it stuck in my brain.  I started thinking about the many times we need to just "adopt a new attitude" and decided I needed to do a short post about it.  One idea might be that if you are unsure that they are true then you start thinking they are true as you read and then you will find that the Holy Ghost will manifest the truth to you.  I can hear Stephanie's words that this is all a part of the secret - and I think she is right. 

I have always held a belief that the Book of Mormon is the word of God and so I wondered what my "new attitude" might be.  I know as I read the scriptures after I thought about that, there were things that came to my mind that brought greater clarity to things in my life.  I don't know if I can express it in words.  I think it just goes to the idea that if you are thinking about something specific then those things are brought to light. 

I really think that the quote that Stephanie brought up is even more important as we think about our "new attitude".  In this case it is those unanswered prayers that seem to elude us.  Here is the quote from the Ensign. 

Acting When No Sure Answer Comes

There will be some instances when no sure answer comes. We have a series of revelations in the Doctrine and Covenants in which the Lord tells the early missionaries of this dispensation that some matters were to be left to their discretion. The phrase that is often repeated is “it mattereth not unto me” (D&C 60:5; 61:22; 62:5).
President Brigham Young explained this doctrine: “If I do not know the will of my Father, and what he requires of me in a certain transaction, if I ask him to give me wisdom concerning any requirement in life or in regard to my own course, or that of my friends, my family, my children, or those that I preside over, and get no answer from him, and then do the very best that my judgment will teach me, he is bound to own and honor that transaction, and he will do so to all intents and purposes.”2

For the whole reference here is the link:

So maybe we need to approach the scriptures, life and the gospel with a new attitude and see where it takes us.  I hope you find this interesting and don't think I have gone off the deep end.

We will be reading Jacob 1 coming up this Thursday.  See you then.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Quote from Elder Holland

Our discussion last week was amazing and I hope that Stephanie posts the video or link she was talking about.  I mentioned that I had asked Meagan for the part of her talk from Elder Holland.  I was enthralled by our discussion about ideals and how sometimes we get mixed up with what the prophets are telling us and what we "believe" is the ideal.  I think as you read this information you can determine tesfor yourself what is truly important. 

Here is the link :,4945,8027-1-4404-2,00.html

Here is one of my favorite quotes. 

"We who are General Authorities and general officers are called to teach His general rules. You and we then lead specific lives and must seek the Lord’s guidance regarding specific circumstances. But there would be mass confusion and loss of gospel promises if no general ideal and no doctrinal standard were established and, in our case today, repeated. We take great strength in knowing the Lord has spoken on these matters, and we accept His counsel even when it might not be popular."

Thursday, May 3, 2012

I REALLY think we should do a 5K together, so...

I thought we could start out easy with a training program to WALK a 5K, and then work our way into an 8 week training program to RUN a 5K. Here is what the walking program looks like (You can adjust what days you exercise and rest as long as you put in the suggested mileage each week.)

And after you complete that program, you can begin the running program found here:

This is totally doable ladies and I would love nothing more than to do it WITH you guys. Think about it and if you want a walking/running partner, give me a call!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

No BoM Club Tomorrow!

Hey Ladies,

Just a reminder that there will be no BoM club tomorrow because of Spring Break. We will reconvene on April 5th, at my house (3918 N Washington St. Westmont, IL 60559) and have a little brunch while we are at it! The chapters for that week will be 2 Nephi 21 and 22. See you all then!


Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Congratulations are in order for Rachel and her new son, Adam Michael Ferguson, 5lb 15oz, 19.5" long! Rachel left church worried on Sunday when she couldn't feel her baby kicking and ended up having an emergency C-section. Her mom is in town until Saturday, but I'm sure any help we can muster after that would be much appreciated. Let's all keep them in our thoughts and prayers!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Assignment for 2/23/2012

Hey Everyone,

We had an amazing discussion yesterday about Isaiah and are hoping to continue on our streak of understanding next week! We will be meeting at Stephanie Hereth's home (2662 Sumac St. Woodridge, Illinois 60517) at 9am for brunch and a stellar discussion on 2 Nephi Chapters 15 & 16. I will be bringing my mom since she will be in town that day. Hope to see you all there!


Friday, February 10, 2012

Reading Assignment for 2/16/2012

Hey Ladies,

We had a great discussion about 2 Nephi 12 (Isaiah 2) yesterday with the help of many great minds and a few extra study guides. (Thank you Amy for posting the link to Understanding Isaiah!)

A quick answer to a question that was brought up in the discussion: In this particular chapter, Isaiah is speaking directly to this dispensation even though he uses many comparisons to the wicked in his days, "and hearken unto the soothsayers LIKE the Philistines..." the council is directed to ALL who live in our times and is meant as a warning not to follow in the footsteps of those in his time. (According to the book Understanding Isaiah by Donald W. Parry, Jay A. Parry, and Tina M. Peterson)

Also, when Isaiah mentions worshiping idols, we were wondering what he meant since people don't really walk around worshiping Zeus or the gold calf anymore. The book I'm reading says that the false idols are the things of man "Their land also is full of idols; they worship the work of their own hands, that which their own fingers have made."

Anyway, the chapter was a great reminder that we all need to be attending the temple regularly and that we should constantly be humbling ourselves before the Lord!

Next week we decided to read both chapter 13 and 14 since they are each so short. Good luck in your studies and see you next Thursday.

P.S. does anyone want to volunteer a snack? 

Monday, February 6, 2012

10 keys to Isaiah chapters link

Here is the article that I mentioned at Book group last week. I think it will help us as we go through the Isaiah chapters in the Book of Mormon. We decided to take each chapter one by one from here on out until we get through the Isaiah chapters. We will start this Thursday with 2 Nephi Chapter 12. I posted this on facebook but here is the link again.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Changing the date

I posted on Facebook that I thought we should change the day we meet to Thursday.  Should we start this week?  I am all for it.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

2 Nephi 8&9

This is not going to be an extensive review of what happened on Friday, but I will try to highlight some of our thoughts that we discussed.  Many of us had either read the material a couple of weeks ago or had not got through both chapters, but thanks to notes in the margins and a quick review of what was being said.  We had a great discussion.
We started discussing in Chapter 8 verse 5  about the line "mine arm shall judge the people."  We figured that it meant Jesus Christ.  Other verses also reference his arm through out the chapter.  Like verse 9. 

Once again we saw reference to "Awake".  Every time I read verses that say that I think, this is obviously important and we need to review what is being said.  Verses that say Awake and those that follow have much meat in them.  After verse 9 says Awake - then we read in verse 12 that "I am he; yea, I am he that comforteth you."  Do we remember that when we are entrenched in sin or as we drift away from right?  Even verse 13 says ". . . forgettest the Lord thy maker, that has stretched forth the heavens,. . . "  vs 15 "I am the Lord thy God, whose waves roared; the Lord of Hosts is my name."  vs 16 " . . . Behold, thou art my people."  It is just amazing to hear those words.  There is much that can be taken from these verses, but if we see it as a reminder that GOD IS WITH US AND FOR US.  Then maybe we can do a little better each day.

We also liked the reference in chapter 8 vs 2 about Sarah.  Again we discussed how important that Isaiah (and God) for that matter feel about women.  There are many women referenced in both the bible and Book of Mormon.  We are told here to not only look to Abraham, but to also look to Sarah.  We felt that these verses although directed at the Children of Israel are also directed to any who accept the gospel.  That is us.

Chapter 9 has a beautiful reference to the plan of salvation starting in verse 6.  I loved how it talks about the atonement and how important it is in helping us to overcome death.  But also to overcome our carnal natures and be able to overcome Satans power.  This chapter is one that needs to be read over and over again.  To help us see that the atonement and God's love for us are eternal and that the value is beyond anything we might imagine.  Read it if you haven't had a chance.

We discussed all about the "Wo UNTO's"  and each of us had one that stuck out clearly in our minds.  I loved Diana's memory of verse 31.  And wo unto the deaf that will not hear; for they shall perish."  Her deaf companion read it and was totally offended,  her knowledge of the gospel had been limited by her deafness.  She didn't realize that being deaf in this verse is all about those who chose not to hear - not those who are born deaf or lose their hearing.

Vs 47"Would I harrow up your souls if your minds were pure?"  is about how these words would not be as hard for us to listen to if we were free from sin.  Vs 48 says.  "Behold, if ye were holy I would speak unto you of holiness; but as ye are not holy,  . . . I teach you the consequences of sin."

Sorry this has gone on and on.  It is hard to put on paper(computer) what was discussed in an hour long group.  There is so much more then what I have written.  Plus you are getting my perspective only.  I love this group and know that my testimony of the Book of Mormon increases each day as I read from its pages.  Thanks for putting this together and thanks to those who contribute each week.

NEXT WEEK we will discuss 2 Nephi Chapters 10 and 11.  Are we still meeting on Friday or should we change it to a new day?  I will leave that decision up to Naomi and she can add or change my note here to give us a heads up to when we will be meeting.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Book Club Canceled

Hey Everyone,

I decided to cancel book club today because of the snow, our lack of keys, my lack of a car, and the fact that my kiddos just started another round of fevers :( We will start back up next Friday if all the stars align. In the meantime, if there is anything you wanted to share about this week's study, please post it on the blog for the rest of us to enjoy! Miss you all and see you soon.


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Quick Question...

Hey Ladies,

Sorry I published before I wrote anything... Oh well. I was just wondering if anyone made it to last weeks meeting and if so, what new chapters did you decide to discuss for this week? Please let me know so that I can get the right study in for the week. Thanks!


Thursday, January 5, 2012

Sad but true...

Hello Ladies,

Although I've missed our discussions very much over the break, I'm afraid I won't make it to the BOM book club tomorrow. It turns out my whole family got some weird virus over Christmas break that is EXTREMELY contagious and lasts up to 3 WEEKS! We are going on day 16 of fevers, conjunctivitis, sore throats, and congested coughs. Its totally survivable but I don't want any of your families to catch it. Hopefully you will all still be able to meet, and perhaps you can put notes up on the blog so I know what you discussed. :) Have a fantastic day!
