Monday, November 21, 2011

Notes from 1 Nephi 19-21

For Friday's discussion we read 1 Nephi 19-21, which includes the first time that Nephi quotes Isaiah in the Book of Mormon.

Nephi begins by talking about the records he is making and why they are important. Then he relates the account of the ministry of Christ on the earth and his crucifixion by the Jews. This would be followed by the fires and tempests in the Americas and the eventual dispersion of the Jews.

Nephi then begins addressing the eventual physical and spiritual gathering of the House of Israel. Nephi says that he quotes Isaiah to "fully persuade them to believe in the Lord their Redeemer" (19:23), and that he likens Isaiah to his people that they "may have hope" (19:24) in the mission of Christ.

In Chapter 20, Nephi quotes Isaiah who is speaking as the Lord. The Lord states that He has revealed the plan of salvation to His people so that they would know it was His work and not the work of men. He admonishes the people to leave Babylon and Chaldea- symbols of the wickedness of the world. The Lord tells the people to follow His commandments and in this they will have peace.

In Chapter 21, Isaiah continues speaking as the Lord and relates how Christ was chosen from the beginning to be the Messiah to both the Jew and the Gentile. And in the last days the House of Israel will begin to be gathered from the four corners of the earth, because the Lord has not forgotten His covenant with the House of Israel. This gathering will begin with the coming forth of the Book of Mormon from the Gentiles to the Jews and will continue as the House of Israel gathers both physically- the Jews returning to the land of Israel- and spiritually- as missionary work spreads across the earth and people are converted to the truth.  

Next week (November 25th, 2011) we will NOT be meeting due to the Thanksgiving holiday. Instead we will reconvene on December 2nd to discuss 1 Nephi Chapter 22 and 2 Nephi Chapter 1. Once again, I can't remember who I asked to bring the snack, so if it was you, please leave a comment and let me know. Otherwise, I will just assume I forgot to ask and bring something myself :) Until then, I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving and I look forward to seeing you again in December!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Notes from 1 Nephi 17-18

So its nap time at my house and I'm trying to pound out blog posts as fast as I can whilst I am technically "on break". I don't think I am going to try to recap all that we said anymore because frankly, I've been getting so caught up in our conversations that I never remember to take notes. But I do want to continue to post any additional resources that were used or mentioned during our meetings.

Anyway, today we discussed chapters 17 and 18 where Nephi builds a ship, his brothers give him a hard time, they set sail for the promised land, his brothers give him a hard time, and eventually they make it to the promised land alive and well, DESPITE Nephi's brothers giving him a hard time!

During our conversations Amy mentioned a link that she had sent me earlier in the week to help me with my little computer/food addiction, and I wanted you all to be able to read it as well. You can find it HERE.

Rachel also mentioned a talk by Julie B. Beck called Mothers Who Know. I had never read it before so I thought I would put it on here for anyone else who wanted to see what she had to say. You can find her talk HERE.

Also, I just want to say Thank You to everyone who comes to our little club. My life has been blessed by your testimonies and friendship more than you will ever know and I am so grateful to be able to sit with so many incredible women each week and discuss the gospel.

Next week we will be discussing 1 Nephi Chapters 19, 20, and 21. Nicole will be bringing the snack and I will bring my DVD player again so if you have a great movie that you think will keep the kids distracted while we are chatting, please bring it! See you all next Friday at 9am in the Gym!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Notes from 1 Nephi 14-16

On Friday the 4th, we discussed the chapters in 1 Nephi that wrapped up Nephi's vision with the Angel, had Nephi's explanation to his brothers of the tree of life, and told the story of Nephi breaking his bow.

One of my favorite discussions from the day was about how Nephi must have felt after breaking his bow. I mean, think about it! He never really did anything wrong and when he accidentally brakes his bow, his siblings want to KILL him and his father, who has ALWAYS been on his side, is upset with him. Yet instead of feeling abandoned and alone, or giving up, Nephi takes the opportunity to teach his family and his father about faith. And he does it in a very respectful way.

I don't know about you, but I think if I were in that situation I would have had an explosion of pride! I would be rubbing everyone elses' mistakes in their faces and trying to defend myself. I certainly wouldn't have gotten back up, made a new bow, and asked for guidance from my father! And although I think me and Nephi would have fought a lot if we were siblings because of his tendency to scold, I'm going to give him mad props for sticking to his guns in this situation. Go Nephi!

Anyway, we had a great time together and are excited for next week. If you are planning to join us, we will be discussing 1 Nephi Chapters 17 and 18 and I will be bringing a breakfast-ish snack for all of us to enjoy! Hope to see you there! (Friday, November 11th, 9:00 am in the Cultural hall.)