Monday, September 10, 2012

A touch of inspiration

Sometimes it is hard to overcome hard things in our life. I am sure I am not the only one that feels that way. This week has been one of those ones where although I was struggling with things in my life, the Lord saw fit to bless me with an amazing session of Stake Conference. The words and thoughts brought my spirit up and helped me to see the light ahead and the hope that I can be a better person. Our visiting general authority spoke directly to me in both meetings. And through out the weekend I have been feeling and seeing the promptings of the spirit. He quoted a line from President Monson that says - don't let a prompting go by without heeding it (paraphrased.) I am not sure why I need to put this on this blog but I kept getting the impression that I needed to do it. So here I am.

Brother Hillyer quoted a part of Sister Beck's talk. It was about doing the essential things in life. It struck me that I spend too much time doing the nonessential things and then wonder why my life is falling apart. I made a sign to remind me and thought I would share it with you.

This comes from her 2007 talk to the sisters titled What Latter-day Saint Women Do Best: Stand Strong and Immovable. In his talk Brother Hillyer reminded us that we need to be putting our focus on Christ and doing all we can do be like him. It reminded me of our last Book of Mormon Book group. We had talked about how we don't know how to do things and still be a wife and a mother. I realized that as we talked about it that we needed to prioritize our life and do better at doing less. As I looked up this talk, I came across her talk Mother's who know. I reread it and found a quote that summed up what I have been thinking and also came as an answer to prayer.
Mothers who know do less. They permit less of what will not bear good fruit eternally. They allow less media in their homes, less distraction, less activity that draws their children away from their home. Mothers who know are willing to live on less and consume less of the world’s goods in order to spend more time with their children—more time eating together, more time working together, more time reading together, more time talking, laughing, singing, and exemplifying. These mothers choose carefully and do not try to choose it all. Their goal is to prepare a rising generation of children who will take the gospel of Jesus Christ into the entire world. Their goal is to prepare future fathers and mothers who will be builders of the Lord’s kingdom for the next 50 years. That is influence; that is power.
He reminded us that we need to eliminate the nonessential things and begin to do more of the essential things. As we act upon the promptings we receive, BLESSINGS WILL HAPPEN!

As I have been studying my scriptures the last couple of days and reading the Ensign I came across two valuable things.
1. Alma 21:23 " . . . and they were zealous for keeping the commandments of God." I really liked that word. Zealous - it made me think that I need to be zealous in keeping the commandments, in following Jesus Christ and in making my home a beautiful happy place.
2. Keeping the Faith in a World of Confusion by Bishop Gérald Caussé had some amazing advice that seemed along the theme of my thoughts lately.
To strengthen our testimonies and protect ourselves from error, we must constantly nourish and fortify our faith.

To do this we must :
  1. Seek the Truth Continually
  2. Accept Unanswered Questions
  3. Seek the Testimony of the Spirit
  4. Seek the Words of Prophets and Apostles
  5. Nourish Your Faith
This article is a good read and I recommend it for everyone.

I am always amazed as I see the hand of the Lord in my life. It always reminds me that he is aware of me and my challenges and that if I take time to repent, follow GOD and keep the commandments, then I will be able to live one day with him.

There is so much more that I could write but these are the things that I felt strongly needed to be put here on the blog. If you have questions don't hesitate to call or email me, or leave a comment.